Wednesday, October 8, 2008

a little trip..... to the e.r

i finally know why nobody ever really brags about having surgery. it's a lot tougher then you think. i know nobody said it would be easy- but nobody really said it would be this hard either.

i'd been doing.... ok i guess. i've been having problems getting all my liquids in and also eating. nothing looks good, nothing tastes good and certain things actually make me feel sick when i think about them .... and the things that sound good- i can't have... (like hot dogs- which i must add i used to i crave them). i've also pretty much sucked at taking my pills.... i wish i had a really good excuse... but i don't... it's just laziness i think. well.. not all just because of laziness... in part because nothing tastes/looks good. and because of that i felt like i didn't have anything to take them with....... i know this probably sounds stupid- but i don't know how else to describe it.

my parents and brother and sister (in law- but i consider her more of a sister..but that's another story... she's pretty amazing!) were pretty concerned so they called my surgeon and explained what was going on.... she suggested that i go to the e.r and have a metabolic profile done. i was hesitant at first... but i knew i hadn't been feeling good and haven't been getting my liquids/foods in and just feeling kinda down and out lately... so about 8ish i decided to go. i learned that if i ever need to go to the er again i want to go to st. joe's.... NOTHING like st johns- we didn't have to sit there for 6 hours before we were called back into a room and then wait another 2 hours just to see a dr. anyways.. i like to ramble.... i got back to a room and the dr was in almost right away- he had already talked to my surgeon and was aware of what was going on... they hooked me up to an iv and did some blood work. turns out my potassium levels were low. so i had to drink this horrible orange stuff.... the thought of it now makes me cringe.... after i drank that and my iv was done he sent me home with a prescription for more of the lovely orange potassium and a pill for nausea.

the next day i went down to my clinic and met with another one of the dr's. we talked about what was going on and what i could/should be doing. i cried. (i do that a lot lately). but i felt a little better... and a little more encouraged that i could get through this..

i feel bad for my family... i get so frustrated with them because nobody has gone through this surgery... they can empathize- but they just don't know what i'm going through.... i don't mean to get frustrated with them... but i do. hopefully they know how much i love them and how much i appreciate everything they are doing and have said to me to help me get through this... the dr suggested i go to the monthly post op support groups. i admitted to the dr that i really had no interest in going- but i also knew that it would probably help. im just such a baby i hate doing things like that alone.

i'm feeling a little better. not a ton... but at least it's a little. i'm trying really hard to get myself onto a schedule for my medicine and i am trying to always be drinking something. i've even started eating.... right now my meal of choice is string cheese and a little part of a baked potato.

that's about it for an update.... there's more- but i have a habit of giving more details then are needed.... and i don't think anyone wants to read about me barfing on saturday...... if you are interested in that story let me know... i can email it to you or if enough people request it i can blog about it.... but it isn't pretty.

well... i gotta finish my ever so delicious orange potassium drink and then go swish with mouthwash... even the after taste of this stuff is horrible.