Wednesday, November 5, 2008

not moving

well. im happy today. i don't have to move. i decided (well kind of) that if obama didn't win i was going to move to canada. canada is nice and all- but everything i've ever known is right here in good ol minnesota.... to be honest though.. the thought of moving is still in my head- but in the way back and just in a tiny part i rarely use. and ONLY because they get kick ass vacation time. example: if i had a baby- i could get a year off of work. a year- an entire year. can you imagine? i know having a kid is work (well not personally- but so i hear). but just not having to go to a job everyday for a year sounds appealing to me.

oh- i have to tell this really quick- then i won't talk about the election and how happy i am that obama won anymore- well.. at least in this blog. last night my dad called my brother/ sister in laws house to say he was home from the hospital (story for another blog)... and my baby nephew.. well- he really isn't a baby- but whatever.... anyways- he gets on the phone with grandpa and starts telling him that obama is a good guy and he kept chanting it. i wanted to hear so i picked up the phone and asked him what he thought of obama.... and he actually got a little upset with me! he told me he was talking to grandpa and i needed to hang up the phone. it was so cute!! i mean- i feel bad i made him upset- but god that kid is cute. i just love him. and i love my brother and sister in law for creating him and for being such good parents.

so this morning i was brave. while i was getting ready for work and trying to find something unfrumpy to wear i decided to try on a pair of jeans i bought about 4 years ago that had always been a little tight. i put one leg in.... it seemed ok... then the other leg (my left one i must add- i always put my right leg in first... not that you really care- but im sharing it anyways). i pulled them over my "trouble spot" aka hips and by golly they fit!! not only did they fit- but they are actually loose on me! i can't tell you how many times today i've had to stand up just to pull my pants up so my crack isn't peeking out. (i hate that and i think it's gross. i hate crack).

im feeling better too. i haven't gotten sick recently- and last night i even had chinese food for dinner (from the best place in nsp!!). it was delicious! it's not really on my "menu" but i figured it looked good, then it tasted good- so whatever. the hardest part lately has been finding things that look good to me. because i still am not supposed to have bread, pasta, rice or beans or things with a membrane (ie blueberries, celery) it seems i am constantly eating the same things. and that gets boring. surgery was 9/9/08 so i guess that makes me about 8 weeks post op. only 4 more weeks until i have a little more variety in what i can eat.

well.. i spose it's that time for me to get back to work. i took a late lunch today. lately i would so much rather just work through lunch and head out a little early. i'm never hungry at lunch time anyways. but i guess there's some law that frowns upon people doing that. i think there's laws for everything... there's probably one that says while i am on lunch at work i shouldn't be blogging. i like laws. well. some of them. but some are just stupid. created by people with too much time on their hands. (probably republicans that want everyone to suffer).

i just have to say one more thing about the election. im disappointed in those that voted for bachmann. someone that spoke out of term as she did does not deserve to represent the rest of the population.

the end :)