Sunday, September 21, 2008

blank distraction

i've been staring at the screen for a few minutes now trying to think of how i want to start this blog... nothing is coming to me...

i guess i got distracted while thinking of what i wanted to blog about... i was on facebook and i came across some people i would have graduated with had we not moved. i started looking at their pages to see what they were up to- and an ex boyfriend of a good friend of mine recently lost a friend.... i always become curious when someone "young" dies.. it just doesn't seem... planned i guess. so i went onto star tribunes webpage... and i noticed- that in order to get to the obits you have to go through the classified section. i would really like it if someone could explain the rationale behind this...... it just doesn't seem right- classifed to me is looking for something more materialistic.. ie a car, pet.. hell even a job. regardless of how you find it- its sad when people my age die. i always think of the things they probably missed out on doing.

i got to see a friend from work today. she always makes me happy. she's so positive, honest, caring, funny... i really admire her. i always feel like a better person when i'm around her!! thanks again linda for EVERYTHING!! you're the best!

well... i actually feel kinda sleepy.... im thirsty too- nothing sounds good though...... oh! only a few days left of liquids only!! i am so excited!!! it's going to be so weird to have something with some substance.

oh.. one more thing... is anyone else watching the biggest loser? im just curious as to why anyone would name their child heba... is there a special meaning behind it? im sorry- thats mean.. but i really dont like her name...

*yawn* ok.. im heading up to bed.

1 comment:

Iris said...

yeah. that's a stupid name. i see tons of odd names at my job. i came across a little girl named bambi the other day...sure, it's cute when they're little...but even a stripper named bambi won't be taken seriously. then there was my all time favorite...lil wayne. nope, the dad's name wasn't wayne either...i checked. i had a dad named barry cool the other day HIS parents were thinking along the lines of awesome when they named him :)